Process Automation

The heterogeneous system environment in many com­pa­nies implicates that business processes often have to be supplied with data from a multitude of IT systems. In many cases the interfaces are not com­pat­i­ble or the required data transfers are not sup­ported adequately by the available software so that a manual adjustment of data becomes necessary. As a consequence, a considerable amount of working time is required for repetitive tasks and the allocation of valuable resources.

NOVOSEC designs and develops customized IT ap­pli­ca­tions which automatically process such work­flows, thus achieving substantial increases in ef­fi­cien­cy and reducing error rates drastically.

Tools for the integration of various applications are part of our know-how. Our profound knowledge of widely used database systems and network protocols enable us to design systems which fit into the en­vi­ron­ment of our customers without having to modify existing applications, thus protecting existing IT in­vest­ments. When designing automation solutions we always have an eye on security as well as on the business processes.

Sensitive company data can be protected from unau­tho­rized access by the integration of encrypted data transfers. The integration of customer-specific au­tho­rization concepts allows for an optimal adaptation to in-house processes. Downstream processes such as revision-safe archiving are integrated in the design from the very beginning. Thus even complex trans­ac­tion processes which are extending over several ap­pli­ca­tions, systems and computing centers can be in­ter­con­nec­ted in an efficient way.

Our customers benefit from our know-how in the field of process automation by lowered costs, increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and a higher quality of process results.