Firewall and VPN

Protection against external attacks is an essential el­e­ment of network security. In the past, perimeter de­fense was the core paradigm of most security de­signs. Today, however, the large and growing num­ber of protocols and communication channels requires a more flexible response to external threats.

NOVOSEC offers consulting in all areas of firewall de­sign and operation.


From 1U appliances to large DMZ spanning several sub­nets, we offer advice in planning and design. We an­a­lyse weaknesses of existing firewalls and assist in the forensic analysis in case of an attack.

The introduction of new communication platforms usu­ally requires modifications to the existing firewall architecture. VPN connections to business partners or home offices, the switch to voice-over-IP, or popular serv­er push platforms like Blackberry: all these tech­nol­o­gies affect the network security. We offer advice in planning and implementation, evaluate the network security consequences and assist in implementing the necessary adjustments.

Penetration Tests

The most reliable way of assessing the security is a simulated attack. We offer black box tests, performed with the same information a real attacker would have, as well as white box tests, where we use information an insider would have for an on-site attack. Our ar­se­nal contains scripted attacks on the network layer as well as the testing of web applications, particularly with regard for the list of top ten web application vul­ner­a­bilities as published by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).